Reliant Aluminum Products, LLC
High Point , North Carolina

Reliant Aluminum Products is the exclusive source for Clariant anodizing dyes and chemistry in North America. We offer a comprehensive range of technical services and laboratory analysis for aluminum anodizers throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.
The strategic alliance between Reliant and Clariant provides two major benefits. Anodizers get the largest selection of Clariant dyes and chemistry — many of them patented and exclusive – combined with the expert technical support from Reliant's knowledgeable professionals.
Our strategic alliance allows us the flexibility to offer tailor-made solutions to meet the specific requirements of individual regions, the changing demands of the industry and the individual needs of each customer.
A Full Range of Anodizing Dyes and Chemistry
- Sanodure Indoor Anodizing Dyes
- Sanodal Indoor & Outdoor Anodizing Dyes
- Sanodye Metal Free Anodizing Dyes
- Sanodye P Food Zone Anodizing Dyes
- Anodal Anodizing Chemistry
- Anodal Electrolytic Colorants
Technical Services and Laboratory Analysis
Whether it's in the field or in the lab, Reliant's technical staff works hand-in-hand with customers to optimize their efficiency using our time-proven application methods and innovative process improvements.
We provide all necessary application tests for anodizing, coloring and sealing aluminum. We can recommend the ideal colorants, chemicals and process parameters to meet the most demanding production requirements. Our fully-equipped lab is ideally suited to troubleshoot the most complex problems confronting anodizers and manufacturers.
Quality Assurance and Environmental Safety
Customers can have confidence in the quality and integrity of our products. We are globally certified (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) and have complete control of the manufacturing process from the raw materials to the finished product.
We're committed to helping anodizers with our global product stewardship team and are one of the leading companies that offer Environmental Health and Safety Affairs (ESHA) support and provide updated information regarding certification of Environmental Standards.
We thoroughly analyze, investigate and document all of our products for:
- Global Registration
- Heavy Metal Content
- Toxicological Properties
- Ecological Properties
Support for the Aluminum Industry
As a company devoted entirely to aluminum anodizing, Reliant has a vital interest in a sustainable future for this industry. That's why we've teamed up with the Aluminum Association, the Aluminum Anodizers Council, the Aluminum Extruders Council and The National Association for Surface Finishing. Together, we can shape the kind of future we need for our industry to grow.
Reliant is demonstrating the environmental benefits of anodized aluminum with our on-going program to educate manufacturers about the advantages of using aluminum in their products. We're proving to them that aluminum offers greater durability and higher value for consumers. We're opening their eyes to all the possibilities aluminum has to offer.
Innovative Research and Development
A new €100 million Clariant Innovation Center in Frankfurt, Germany was opened in 2013. This global hub for Research & Development is the home of Clariant’s competence centers in chemical research and process technology as well as application laboratories for several Business Units and state-of-the art analytical laboratories. As the corporation’s global hub, the CIC coordinates Clariant’s world-wide R&D network, including centers across Europe, North America, Brazil, Japan, India and China.