Vail Rubber Works, Inc.

Vail operates three full service roll shops providing roll cores and coverings used in flat rolled finishing machines. We build new or refurbish to customer requested conditions. We provide full inspections of the roll core and offer complete millwright services. We run machine shops capable of complete roll repairs (shafts, barrels, conventional and thermal spray welding, fabrications) and full NDT testing including ultrasound and mag particle testing. We provide non-woven roll coverings and cores. We offer customer line inspection services to assist in covering evaluations and maintenance decisions. Our emphasis is to assist a customer to optimize their maintenance dollar budget to find the lowest total cost of ownership, reducing maintenance downtime and roll change frequency.
Sustainable Practices:
Vail Rubber Works provides a variety of products and services that help customers carry out their operations in a sustainable manner.
Roll coverings and cores properly balanced reduce the power required to run process lines. Roll coverings are required to run coil paint and anodizing lines. These lines do an exceptional job capturing solvent and other fumes that reduce atmospheric emissions. Vail Rubber provides highly engineered roll coverings specific to applications that have provided much longer run times and in some cases multiple service cycles. The longer-wearing covers result in fewer rubber coverings, and consequently fewer coverings that ultimately end up in landfills. The extended run times and ability to be reground result in 3-6 times less rubber in the landfill.
With regard to Vail Rubber Works’ own operations, we actively recycle office paper products, boxboard, and all things metal that become scrap. We have recycle bins for in-house plastic bottles and aluminum cans and in-house recycling of batteries. Our drummed waste is hauled away through a certified waste disposal company. We recycle certain types of used rubber. We have widespread usage of T-8 light bulbs throughout shop and office. We have sharply reduced our use of solvents, reducing the release of volatile organic compounds. We routinely post notices about household waste recycling events, proper disposal of electronics, etc. We also re-use containers that transport our raw materials through the plant and between plants.