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Toward a Fairer and Cleaner Trade in Aluminium

The Aluminum Association, European Aluminium, the Aluminium Association of Canada and the Japan Aluminium Association jointly released this policymaker briefing, Toward a Fairer and Cleaner Trade in Aluminium, on the ongoing challenges in the global trade of aluminum. The paper cites data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) demonstrating how massive state subsidies, especially in China, have distorted aluminum supply chains and harmed the environment.

Roadmap for Automotive Aluminum

This video overviews the 2022 Roadmap for Automotive Aluminum, a blueprint developed collaboratively among aluminum producers, answers a call for greater pre-competitive co-engineering to identify near-and long-term research and development (R&D) goals that advance aluminum production for the next decade.

2022 Semi-fab LCA Two-Page Summary

This document summarizes the findings from the 2022 life cycle assessment report on semi-fabricated aluminum products. 

2022 Semi-fab LCA Full Report

This third-party critical-reviewed life cycle assessment (LCA) report found that since 1991, the carbon footprint of primary aluminum production declined by 49% while the footprint of recycled aluminum production dropped by 60%.

2022 Semi-fab LCA Executive Summary

Summary report on the third-party critical-reviewed life cycle assessment (LCA) report on semi-fabricated products. 

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