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Choose Aluminum Digital Graphics

It's important to share the industry's sustainability story with government officials, customers, consumers and more. And you can help!

Choose Aluminum Video Series

This 5-part series highlights aluminum's sustainability and why more and more companies are choosing aluminum. 

Used Beverage Can Recycling

This is an annual report made available for free to provide basic industry information to the general public.

Facts at a Glance

This is an annual report made available for free to provide basic industry information to the general public.

Canadian Primary Aluminum Production

This is a monthly report made available for free to provide basic industry information to the general public. 

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Aluminum Bookstore

Your one-stop shop for technical articles, publications, standards, data and other information about aluminum.

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Buyer’s Guide

Providing all necessary information and comparisons in an easily searchable format so you can find a solution to fit your needs.

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