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Resource Library

June 2020 Infrastructure Letter

Letter to Chairman DeFazio, Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member Graves and Ranking Member Walden re: a significant federal investment to modernize our nation’s infrastructure will create jobs, boost economic growth and save lives; June 16, 2020

Joint Letter on Section 232 Tariffs

Letter to  Robert E. Lighthizer U.S Trade Representative re: opposition to any plan to impose tariffs or a quota on importation of aluminum from Canada; June 25, 2020

Aluminum Industry on Deposit March 2021

Letter to Pat Grassley, Speaker Iowa House of Representatives, re: our concern about recent legislative efforts to modify Iowa's beverage container deposit program; March 12, 2021

Letter of Support of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

Letter to U.S. Senate re: industry’s strong support for the historic bipartisan infrastructure framework; July 29, 2021

Association Letter to USTR Tai July 2021

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai re: her attention to the U.S. aluminum industry; July 23, 2021

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