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Build Green With Aluminum

Lightweight, strong, durable, corrosion resistant and infinitely recyclable, aluminum builds a more sustainable structure. And with a 70+ year life span for some building products, it's a material that will serve generations to come.

Build Green With Aluminum

Product registration templates & forms

Forms to facilitate the registration of alloys and products standards following specific rules as prescribed in the pertinent American National Standards and the registration records.

June 2020 Water Work Group Comments

Comments re: Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter, Proposed Action, Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2015-0072; June 29, 2020

Comments on Section 232 Exclusion Program

Comments re: Notice of Inquiry Regarding the Exclusion Process for Section 232 Steel and Aluminum Import Tariffs and Quotas (RIN 0694-XC05); July 10, 2020

EPA SAB Public Statement on SAFE Rule

Public Comments on Behalf of the Aluminum Association’s Aluminum Transportation Group (ATG): Regarding the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Agency/Docket Number: FRL-FRL-10003-68-OA; January 17, 2020

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Your one-stop shop for technical articles, publications, standards, data and other information about aluminum.

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Buyer’s Guide

Providing all necessary information and comparisons in an easily searchable format so you can find a solution to fit your needs.

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