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Global Aluminum Associations Welcome G7 Trade Ministers Joint Communique Addressing Market-Distorting Policies and Practices
The aluminum associations of the United States, Europe, Canada and Japan welcome G7 Trade Ministers’ commitment to “…stronger international rules on market-distorting industrial subsidies and trade-distorting actions by state enterprises.”
New Report Shows 40%+ Reduction in Aluminum Can Production Carbon Intensity Since 1990s
Lighter Cans, Efficient Operations and Greener North American Primary Aluminum All Key Drivers of Continued Improvement
Aluminium Associations in the US, Europe, Canada and Japan Urge G7 Governments to Take Concrete Steps to Deliver More Free, Fair and Open Trade
Global Aluminium Associations Welcome New OECD Report Highlighting the Extent of the Role of Below-Market Finance in Distorted International Markets
Association to Congress: Aluminum Makes American Infrastructure
Recycling, Electric Grid Modernization and Other Priorities Essential to 21st Century Infrastructure Investment
Growing Use of Automotive Aluminum Sheet Delivers Environmental and Economic Advantages, New Report Details
Recyclers, automakers and environment benefit from aluminum’s sustainable properties